“Skies Above: Proclaiming God's Handiwork Psalms 19:1-2 - The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the works of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.

We are now accepting families for the 2025-26 school year. Please fill out Request Information Form.


Request Membership to NLHSA

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.

Welcome to Northern Light Homeschool Association!  If you are on this page, you have gone through our interview process and we have extended an invitation to you to join our co-op.  We are grateful and excited you have decided to join our homeschool community! Please take some time to fill out the information below to help us get to know you and your family more.  Contact our Director, Brenda Kuhn, with any questions you may have. ([email protected])



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Additional Questions

Admission Procedure - Number 1-4 to be completed by May 10th, or May 20th for New Members.

  1. Go to the Membership Tab and download, print and read the Registration Packet. 

  2. Returning families will be required to update their profile form and new families will be required to complete profile form.

  3. By May 10th, returning families should have their profile updated and signed in agreement with the General Waiver of Liability, Medical Form, NLHSA Code of Conduct and Statement of Faith and Mission of NLHSA Please read/review documents as you complete these agreements. All these documents are on the website for future review under Membership/Registration Forms to Sign.

  4. Your account balance will show the Family Registration Fee of $110 due the day you register your family or no later than May 10th, 2024.  Due May 20th for new members. Please log out and log in again to view your balance. If you have extenuating circumstances and would like an extension, please reach out to our treasurer, Courtney Knitter, at [email protected] to let her know.

  5. Once completed and registration fee of $110 is paid you are ready for class registration on May 13th at 12:00pm. New families, who have been approved for membership, may begin registering for classes on May 20th at 10:00am.

  6. ON May 13th at 12:00pm,  you may begin to register for classes./May 20th at 10:00am for new members.

  7. Go to the Class Registration Tab and click on 2024-2025 Classes.

  8. For Infants through 3rd grade: Register your child(ren) for their classes by grade.

  9. For grades 4 and up: register your child(ren) for their classes. If the class is listed as a full year, you only need to choose it once.  If the class is only offered in the Fall or Spring, you must fill in those time slots for both semesters.

  10. Your account balance will show your Family Tuition Fee. If you don't immediately see it in your account, please log out and log back in.  Tuition can be paid in four installments.  First payment due Parents night in August.

All of these online forms must be completed and registration fee payment received to be considered registered. If you are having any difficulties with this website or have any additional questions, please contact Brenda Kuhn at [email protected].

Payment Instructions

Thank you! 

Please submit your Family Registration Fee of $110 to "unpark" your family and continue on with the Class Registration process. 

Payment Options